We Tint Vehicles

Homes & Businesses

"Live In Shade"

620 North Third • Bardstown, KY

Monday - Friday 8 to 5 | Saturday 9 to 12 | Closed Sunday

Energy and Money Savings

Tint for your automobile is a given. It is just a good idea for so many reasons; but what about your home or business? Besides making your office or business stand out and just look cool (and it will be cooler in the summer) there may be tax benefits as well.

Tax credits for energy efficient upgrades, including window film were approved by Congress in the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. While tax law changes from year to year, you'd be well advised to consult your tax consultant to verify that the credits are in effect, tax savings alone are certainly not the only reason one should go 'Green' with tinting their homes.

The savings are just inherent in doing so. Energy savings occur by the locking in of temperatures while giving a reduction in air conditioning operations which otherwise would be forced to work a lot harder. You lower your energy bill while protecting your interior environment as well.

When you make the wise buying decision of installing window tinting in your home (and your car too) you benefit, your home and auto's contents benefit, your health and the environment too. As as a really great side benefit - tinting your building's windows also keeps HEAT inside the building when the cooler temperatures hit.  Now that's a win - win.