We Tint Vehicles

Homes & Businesses

"Live In Shade"

620 North Third • Bardstown, KY

Monday - Friday 8 to 5 | Saturday 9 to 12 | Closed Sunday

Why Tint?

Taking the time and nominal expense of tinting your vehicles windows not only will increase the value of your automobile, but there are certain health benefits as well. As  much as 79% of solar heat can be filtered depending on the grade of your tint, while blocking up to 99% of the sun's ultraviolet rays.

It is well understood that the suns UV Rays will damage your properties inside - and possibly whatever you leave inside as well; possibly including even yourself or passengers.

Then there is the obvious benefit but seldom thought of value of reducing sun glare which can help reduce accidents and help retain shattered glass by holding shards together - should you have one.

Choosing the right kind of auto tint and the right company (that’s us!) to install it is an important consideration as well. Go with a company that has a good track record to ensure a professional installation.